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IEC- en ISO-normen over elektrische symbolen en schema's. IEC 60027 Letters symbols to be used in electrical technology; IEC 60417 ISO 7000-DB-12M (2004-06) Graphical symbols for use on equipment; IEC 60617-DB-12M (2001-11) Graphical symbols for diagrams. Iec-60617-db-12m-pdf HOT! Ballet Kids 13, Kb13 (15) @iMGSRC.RU ollyvbur Book Sam Wal N Ma In America Sites Zip Torrent .mobi Full Version Summer Series 2!, Images (67) …. 0.14 64 ABB SACE - Electrical devices ABB SACE - Electrical devices 65 f 2.2 Installation and dimensioning of cables 2 Protection of feeders 2 Protection of feeders From Table 4 a cross section of 50 mm2 can be chosen. For this cross section ∆Ux = 0.81< 1.02 V/ (A⋅km). 2.3 Protection against overload By using this value it results: ∆U .... IEC 60617 Symbol Preview Autodesk Knowledge Network January 30th, 2019 - Except where otherwise noted work provided on Autodesk ... IEC 60335 2 30 Safety of household and similar electrical April 13th, 2019 - Symbol IEC 60417 5036 for the enclosure of electrically operated 2 / 8. water valves in external hose sets for connection of an appliance .... Nov 01, 2009. Page 25 EN 60747−15:2004 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive devices (where appropriate) IGBTs, MOSFETs, intelligent power semiconductor devices (IPMs) and also some diodes or other should be marked with the relevant sign (Figure 5 of IEC 60747-1), at least on their smallest packing unit.. Mar 03, 2019. . 3 1 .2 IEC Standards for electrical installation 15 2 Protection of feeders 2. 1 Introduction 22 2. 2 Installation and dimensioning of cables 25 2. 2.1 Current carrying capacity and methods of installation. methods of installation 2. 1 Introduction 27. Aug 01, 2021. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database . IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously …. db-0435-k01 2片/套 上海航欧优势产品 ... 4p ls 80 0,75 kw 230/400v b14 alu fcr j02 10 nm iec ip55 上海航欧优势产品 .... Jan 17, 2020. which their technical committees responsible for specific application fields, gost r iec 60617 db 12m 2015 the database also 6067 regular snapshots in pdf format that can be easily downloaded it has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with iec guide the list should be sent by email to it helpdesk, standard. Mar 25, 2020. May 27, 2020. Simboluri grafice standardizate. Scheme monofilare si alte tipuri de reprezentari grafice Simbolizarea echipamentelor Simbolurile standardizate utilizate pentru reprezentarea diferitelor echipamente n schemele electrice sunt cuprinse n baza de date IEC 60617-DB-12M DB poate fi accesat pe situl IEC/CEI ( Accesul se face contra cost.. IEC 60061 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety IEC 60191-2 Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices - Part 2: Dimensions IEC 60417 and ISO 7000 Graphical symbols for use on equipment IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams IEC databases via subscription Examples of content. 60617 symbols autocad electrical pdf free download, iec 60617 schematic symbol pdfsdocuments2 com, iec 60617 database online en fr nen, iec 60617 2012 db graphical symbols for diagrams, graphical symbols for diagrams oilweb, iec 60617 graphical symbols for diagrams, webstore iec ch, list of international electrotechnical commission, iec 60617 .... Jan 01, 2007. Aug 10, 2021. In order to read a Secure PDF, you will need to install the FileOpen Plug-In on your computer. The FileOpen Plug-In works with Adobe Reader and other viewers. Visit FileOpen to see the full list ... IEC 60617-DB-12M All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document. Product Details Published: .... Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC. IEC 60617 sisältää sähkökaavioissa ja piirustuksissa ... diagrams part, pdf iec 60617 symbols running man academia edu, webstore iec ch, export to the world ... list of international electrotechnical commission, iec 60617 3 graphical symbols for diagrams part 3, din en 60617 2 graphical .... May 21, 2020. Normas para la simbologa en diagramas IEC 60617-DB-12M Normas para mquinas elctricas rotativas, especificaciones y funcionamiento IEC 60034-1 Tensin de red segn IEC IEC 60038.. Sep 01, 2021. Jul 30, 2021. МЭК 60617-db-12m:2012, разделы 12 и 13, содержит текстовое представление общих положений, которые вводятся в базу данных в качестве приложений со ссылками, приведенными в описании символов. Примечания:. Classe filtrazione: ISO class 7 Grado filtrazione: 99,997% particelle ø 0,3 micron Filtri in dotazione: MT-751/752/757 Hepa Potenza: 1300 Watt; 220-240 Volt; 50-60 Hz Cavo alimentazione: 10 mt Aspirazione: max 2.285 mm Mbar Portata aria: max 47 lt/sec. Max livello rumore: 60 Db(A) Dimensioni: ø 40x 35(h) cm Peso: 6,3 Kg FiLTri PEr aSPiraTorE .... Sep 25, 2019. Iec-60617-db-12m-pdf !FULL! Mosaic 1 Grammar Silver Edition Answer Key Rapidshare Crack Para Actc Simulador Turismo Carreterabfdcml Download Xforce Keygen AutoCAD MEP 2018 Activation NEW! Easy Worship (2009) V1.9 With Crack Including Bibles Utorrent Cutmate 2.3 Software Free 158 .... Preview_iec+60617-db-12m+ed.+1.0+b-2001.pdf - Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database …. С 1 февраля 2016 года, введен в действие новый ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который является переведенной на русский язык копией стандарта iec, определяющего требования .... Arnica Hansen Fhm Download Pdf ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) SUBMITTED BY: nidmehorpers1978 DATE: Dec. 27, 2017, 4:. 36bd677678 . fileviewpro license key toshiba e studio 166 service manual pdf free download iec-60617-db-12m-pdf rd sharma class 12 maths pdf …. Dec 23, 2015. Jul 12, 2019. 15 ABB SACE - Electrical devices 14 ABB SACE - Electrical devices 1 Standards 1.2 IEC Standards for electrical installation STANDARD IEC 60027-1 IEC 60034-1 IEC 60617-DB-12M IEC 61082-1 IEC 61082-2 IEC 61082-3 IEC 61082-4 IEC 60038 IEC 60664-1 IEC 60909-0 IEC 60865-1 IEC 60781 IEC 60076-1 IEC 60076-2 IEC 60076-3 IEC 60076-5 IEC/TR 60616 IEC .... Jan 17, 2020. Baixe no formato DOC, PDF, TXT ou leia online no Scribd. Sinalizar por conteúdo inapropriado. ... technology - Part 1: General IEC/TR 60878 Ed. 2.0 b Graphical symbols for electrical equipment in medical practice IEC 60617-DB-12M Ed. 1.0 b Graphical symbols for diagrams - 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 13 of IEC .... Nov 28, 2018. Feb 03, 2021. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015: Графические символы для схем (в формате базы данных) 01.02.2016: действующий: ГОСТ Р МЭК 60622-2002: Аккумуляторы и батареи щелочные.. Digi-Key offers 11.7M + products from 1,900+ manufacturers. Large in-stock quantities able to ship same day. Paypal accepted, order online today!. An electronic symbol is a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices or functions, such as wires, batteries, resistors, and transistors, in a schematic diagram of an electrical or electronic circuit.These symbols are largely standardized internationally today, but may vary from country to country, or engineering discipline, based on traditional conventions.. Iec 60417 5019 Symbool the symbol iec 60417 5019 or with the letters pe the graphical symbol being preferred or by use of the bicolour com bination green and yellow or by any combination of these table 1 note 1 the iec version of this standard is nearly identical to the european version en 60204, iso 7000 iec 60417 graphical symbols for use. A pdf de informatica esto es guerra 06-02-16 anggie y stratega como tu no hay nadie karaoke, back ps, here plus update april 2013 uk airdrie united youth football mietwagen enterprise, back paderborn shadez 2 game online james. ... So tx lego cross axle 12m kamiceria carpi platos fuertes con carne gourmet falcons 2012 nfc south champions .... Jun 16, 2021. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database . IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Subscriptions and End-User Restrictions. Jun 02, 2020. С 1 февраля 2016 года, введен в действие новый ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который является переведенной на русский язык копией стандарта iec, определяющего требования .... «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* «Графические символы для диаграмм» (IEC 60617-DB-12M…. IEC60617-DB-12M(2012) Graphical symbols for diagrams — 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617 (Графические символы для диаграмм. 12-месячная подписка на опе­ ративную базу данных, включающую IEC 60617. части от 2 до 13). community, iec 60617 db 12m pdf pdf for me, iec symbols, iec 617 symbols ftik usm ac id, bs en 60617 symbols pdf sasa mata, iec 60617 2012 db iec webstore, electrical cad drawing standards in electrical cad software, iec reference designations myelectrical com, iec 60617 2012 db european standards, this is a preview welcome to the iec webstore .... Apr 21, 2021. Sep 13, 2014. С 1 февраля 2016 года, введен в действие новый ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который является переведенной на русский язык копией стандарта iec, определяющего требования .... Descărcați ca PDF, TXT sau citiți online pe Scribd. Indicator pentru conținut neadecvat. Salvare Salvați EE TEROARE.pdf pentru mai târziu. 0% 0% au considerat acest document util, Bifați acest document drept util. 0% 0% au considerat acest document drept nefolositor, …. GOST R IEC 60617-DB-12M-2015. Статус: введен впервые ; IEC 61000-4-2 specifies a waveform for contact-level testing (Figure 1). The current waveform is characterized by an initial current spike with a rise time of 0.7 to 1.0 ns and specified currents at 30 ns and 60 ns.. IEC 60617-DB-12M 2001 IEC 61082-1 1991 Mark which is applicable to some household appliances (shavers, electric clocks, etc). IEC 61082-2 1993 IEC 61082-3 1993 IEC 61082-4 1996 IEC 60038 IEC 60664-1 1983 2000 IEC 60909-0 2001 IEC 60865-1 1993 IEC 60781 1989 IEC 60076-1 IEC 60076-2 2000 1993 IEC 60076-3 2000 IEC 60076-5 2000 IEC/TR 60616 1978 .... 60617 symbols pdf nikeflyknitid cc, iec 60617 db 12m pdf pdf for me, pdf iec 60617 symbols running man academia edu, category iec standards wikimedia commons, iec symbols, iec 60617 2 2 0 international standards store amer, iso 14617 2 2002 en graphical symbols for diagrams, ieee iec standards torrent. IEC 60617-DB-12M 2001 IEC 61082-1 1991 Mark which is applicable to some household appliances (shavers, electric clocks, etc). IEC 61082-2 1993 IEC 61082-3 1993 IEC 61082-4 1996 IEC 60038 IEC 60664-1 1983 2000 IEC 60909-0 2001 IEC 60865-1 1993 IEC 60781 1989 IEC 60076-1 IEC 60076-2 2000 1993 IEC 60076-3 2000 IEC 60076-5 2000 IEC/TR 60616 1978 .... Sep 11, 2021. Aug 16, 2021. Notast skal við tákn úr IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 eða sambærilegt. Gera skal efnislista (magnmæling) samkvæmt sérteikningu sem fylgir með. Vægi: Lágspennulögn Einlínumynd Smáspennulögn Snið Afstöðumynd Magnmæling Úrlausnartími: 3 klst, 45 0/0 5% 5% Gangi þér vel ! Sveinsprófsnefnd sterkstraums febrúar 2017. IEC 60417-DB-12M Ed. 1.0 b:2002, Graphical symbols for use on equipment - 12-month subscription to online database comprising all graphical symbols published in IEC 60417 [IEC TC/SC 3C] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. IEC 60417-DB-12M Ed. 1.0 b:2002, Graphical symbols for use on equipment - 12-month subscription to online database comprising all graphical symbols …. Samsung 17.5 Cu. ft. Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Counter Depth French Door Refrigerator-RF18A5101SR. May 05, 2020. Mar 12, 2021. Aug 01, 2021. IEC 60617-DB-12M 2001 Graphical symbols for diagrams - 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 11 of IEC 60617 IEC 61082-1 1991 Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology - Part 1: General requirements IEC 61082-2 1993 Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology - Part 2: Function-oriented diagrams. Word PDF Сканкопия официального издания ... ГОСТ IEC 60027-4-2013 Обозначения буквенные, применяемые в электротехнике. ... ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 Графические символы для схем (в формате базы данных) .... IEC 60617 – DB-12M:2001 – Grafički znakovi (simboli) za sheme – IEC 60417 – DB 12M:2002 – Grafički znakovi (simboli) za uporabu na opremi. Mar 18, 2021. New Movie Releases This Weekend: September 10-12. Meet the Season 30 Cast of ‘Dancing with the Stars’. New Movie Trailers To Watch Now. Hollywood Celebs Pay Tribute to Michael K. Williams.. transmission and, gost r iec 60617 db 12m 2015 the database also 6067 regular snapshots in pdf format that can be easily downloaded it has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with iec guide the list should be sent by email to it helpdesk, iec 60617 2012 db iec 60617 2012 db contains graphical. Jun 01, 2004. beuth de, iec 60617 db 12m pdf pdf for me, 1 / 11. iec 60617 database snapshots engineering standards, bs en 60617 symbols pdf sasa mata, iec 60617 hackaday horizontal symbol vertical symbol description hlt1r vlt1r red standard hlt1g vlt1g green standard. iec 60617 8 1996 as a pdf download or hard copy directly from the' ' iet forums bs en 60617 electrical symbols june 18th, 2018 - hi if you don t ask you don t get has anyone got a copy of bs en 60617 electrical symbols they don t mind sending a copy of i see you can buy them on the internet but i have enough expense trying to keep afloat as it .... iso 9110-1, iec 60617-db-12m, iso 10771-1, iso 4406, iso 1219-1, iso 5598:2020, iso 3448, bs iso 5598:2020, iso 6743-4 Informative References(Provided for Information) No other standards are informatively referenced. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* “Графические символы для диаграмм” (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 “Graphical symbols for diagrams”).. ГОСТ iec 60027-1-2015 "Обозначения буквенные, применяемые в электротехнике. Часть 1. Основные положения" iec 60038(2009) mod . ГОСТ 29322-2014 "Напряжения стандартные" iec 60050-826(2004)-* iec 60417-db-12m(2002)-* iec 60445(2010) mod. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is engaged in publishing standards. The PROJECT shall. be executed in full compliance with Indian codes, standards and Authority requirements. Below. table provides an overview of the most common electrical Indian standards: Number. Year. of. Issue.. Iec 60417 Earth Symbol 5019 Free Pdf Books.. electrical cad software, iec reference designations myelectrical com, din en. 60617 3 european standards, iec 60617 …. Download & View Manualtecnicoabb.pdf as PDF for free. More details. Words: 167,964; Pages: 614; ... IEC 60034-1 2004 IEC 60617-DB-12M 2001 IEC 61082-1 1991 IEC 61082-2 1993 IEC 61082-3 1993 IEC 61082-4 1996 IEC 60038 IEC 60664-1 2002 2002 IEC 60909-0 2001 IEC 60865-1 1993 IEC 60781 1989 IEC 60076-1 2000. 被代替标准号: iec 60617-db-12m ed. 1.0 废止时间: 采用国际标准编号: CEI 3-26 Ed. 3 (2005) Identical SN EN 60617-12-1998 Identical BS EN 60617-12-1999. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database . IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Subscriptions and End-User Restrictions. Sep 12, 2021. Sep 23, 2020. Aug 27, 2020. Notast við tákn úr IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 eða sambærilegt Gera skal (magnmæling) samkvæmt sért&ingu sem $'lgir með. Sveinsprófsnefnd sterkstraums júní 2017 Væø: Lágspermulögn Einlfnumynd Småspennulögl Snið Afrtöðunynd Magnmæling Úrlausnartími: 3 klst. 5% 5% Gangiþ&vel !. ISO 7000 / IEC 60417 Graphical symbols for use on equipment. Follow. Buy. This collection includes both ISO and IEC graphical symbols that can be placed on equipment …. luminaires part 2 14 particular, iec 60417 5036 dangerous voltage iso, iec 60417 db 12m ed 1 0 b 2002 graphical symbols for, iso 7010 w012 warning electricity, iec and iso labels clarion safety systems, test report iec en 60335 1 safety of household and similar, household and similar electrical. They shall be prepared in accordance to the to International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60364-1 (1992-10) standards, [ 5 ] and (IEC) 60617 standards, [ 8 ], as well as to CERN Safety Instructions IS23 [ 6 ] and IS24 [ 7 ]. 8.1 FILE NAMING CONVENTION The native CAD files are stored on the NICE server SRV3_DIV, in the directory ST_EL\BE .... Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Subscriptions and End-User Restrictions. 厦门天络纬贸易有限公司提供brinkmann中国总代理STH 90/290-390+001图片,技术文章,行业资讯,如果您对我公司的产品服务感兴趣,请联系我们,欢迎点击访问或来电问询!. IEC 60417_03.pdf IEC 60417_05.pdf IEC 60617 database snapshot_05.pdf IEC Symbols_CONDUCTORS.pdf IEC Symbols_ELECTRICAL_ENERGY.pdf IEC Symbols_GENERAL_SYMBOLS.pdf IEC Symbols_PASSIVE_COMPONENTS.pdf IEC Symbols_SEMICONDUCTORS.pdf IEC Symbols_TEMPERATURE_SENSITIVE_SWITCHES.pdf Overview of IEEE Standard 91-1984.pdf …. Dec 19, 2018. Bs 60617 Electrical Installation Symbols cyteen de. Bs En 60617 Symbols PDF Download djoni66 com. IEC 60617 Symbol Preview AutoCAD Electrical Autodesk. Bs En 60617 Electrical Symbols Pdf Conceptdraw com. Home Electrics Symbols. BS EN 60617 8 1996 IEC 60617 8 1996 Graphical symbols. iec 60617 Graphical Symbols For Diagrams Iec.. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.. Feb 10, 2021. 被代替标准号: iec 60617-db-12m ed. 1.0 废止时间: 采用国际标准编号: CEI EN 60617-7 Identical ONORM OVE EN 60617-7 Identical SS IEC 617-7-1986. Nov 05, 2012. Dec 21, 2020. 60617-DB-12M (2001-11) Graphical symbols … ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 — Principles and rules for the Feb 13, 2012 · – IEC 60027: Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology; – IEC 60617: Graphical symbols for diagrams.. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database . IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously …. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 23 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. Electrical installation handbook Volume 2 ABB SACE Electrical devices.. OutTac Gear GmbH - Messer, Tools, Lampen & Ausrüstung seit 1996 ! - 10% Neukundenrabatt. IEC 60617-DB-12M (2001-11) Graphical symbols for diagramsStandards for symbols. The graphic symbols used for electrical components in circuit diagrams are covered by national and international standards, in particular: IEC 60617 (also known as British Standard BS 3939).. electrical technology; IEC 60417 ISO 7000-DB-12M (2004-06) Graphical symbols for use on equipment; IEC 60617-DB-12M (2001-11) Graphical symbols for diagramsSimple pricing with no hidden fees. Electra Cloud is the next-generation Electrical CAD platform that improves your productivity by. View online (554 pages) or download PDF (10 MB) ABB RELION REB670 User manual • RELION REB670 PDF manual download and more ABB online manuals. Title ARI 130-88 Graphic Electrical/Electronic Symbols for Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment Oct 09, 2002. IEC 60309-4 Ed. 1.1 b Palavras-chave. CONECTOR, ... IEC 60417-DB-12 1.0 : IEC 60617-DB-12M Ed. 1.0 b : Complementadas. NBRIEC62196-1 - Plugues, tomadas, tomadas móveis para veículos elétricos e plugues fixos para veículos elétricos - Recarga condutiva para veículos elétricos - …. Jan 18, 2020. 60034-1. •Tensión de red según IEC – IEC 60038. •Normas de seguridad en industrias de procesos – IEC 61508 e IEC 61511. •Normas referentes a transformadores de potencia, protección ante cortocircuitos y. agentes externos – IEC 60076 -1 a la 5.. April 22nd, 2019 - IEC 60417 2002 DB Standard Graphical symbols for use on equipment 12 month subscription to regularly updated online database comprising all graphical symbols published in IEC 60417 IEC TC 3 Graphical symbols for use on equipment gt List April 6th, 2019 - The International Electrotechnical Commission is the international. Electronic symbol ... Annotation of standard text IEC 60617-DB-12M-ed.. Replication of ... About IEC Database Snapshots: "Electronic printouts" or snapshots …. Iec-60617-db-12m-pdf download Bombay Velvet hd movie torrent HACK Positive Grid - BIAS FX (STANDALONE, VST, RTAS, AAX) Babuji Zara Dheere Chalo 720p Moviesl. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.. Jul 29, 2021. Tippe auf Pause, um eine Pause von zwei Sekunden einzufügen (sie wird durch ein Komma in der Telefonnummer dargestellt) Entwurf IEC-Symbole Symbol-Standards/Normen: GOST R IEC 60617-DB-12M-2015 (Russisch) [IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012] Grafické značky používané na schématech 2011... Jun 03, 2020. db-3002.a-2 上海航欧优势产品 e43h42-2.1-038 上海航欧优势产品 cat b1ko-2268-gah 上海航欧优势产品 kva 1.0 hz 50/60 上海航欧优势产品 input 575 460 400 230 208 0 上海航欧优势产品 output 0 24 115 230 180度 上海航欧优势产品 bm45 上海航欧优势产品 type:21-43-31-15 24vdc 上海航欧优势 .... IEC 60417:2002 DB | Graphical symbols for use on equipment - 12-month subscription to online database comprising all graphical symbols published in IEC .... iec 60417 db 12m ed 1 0 b 2002 graphical symbols for, iec 60417 2002 db ... free download here pdfsdocuments2 com, iec 60417 5031 direct current iso ..... Isolation behaviour Reference Standard IEC 60947-2 IEC 60947-2 IEC 60947-2 IEC 60947-2 IEC 60947-2 Protection against short-circuit Magnetic only release MA (MF up to In 12.5 A) – – Electronic release PR221DS-I – – Integrated protection (IEC 60947-4-1) Electronic release PR222MP – – (for T4 250 N-S-L only) (for T5 400 N-S-L only .... Nov 22, 2019. April 23rd, 2019 - Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams All the parts Ed 2 or 3 of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes pdf iec 60617 symbols running man academia edu, recommendation itu r v 461 5, din en 60617 2. 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IEC 60417-DB-12M (2002-10) Símbolos gráficos para su uso en equipos. IEC 60617 (Todas las partes). Símbolos gráficos para esquemas. 3. TÉRMINOS Y DEFINICIONES Para los fines de este documento, se aplican los términos y definiciones incluidos en las Normas ISO 12100-1 y NTC 2769-1 (EN 81-1) además de los siguientes: 3.1 Brazo de .... Oct 17, 2014. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.Simple pricing with no hidden fees. Electra Cloud is the next-generation Electrical CAD platform that improves …. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015: Графические символы для схем (в формате базы данных) 01.02.2016: действует: ГОСТ Р МЭК 60622-2002: Аккумуляторы и батареи щелочные.. Iec Panel Socket Iec Panel Socket 43-211-96 称重传感器 STC-150KG 继电器 NST-3.2CL 24VAC/DC 42041247 热电偶线 TT-K-30 阀 Pressure regulating valve 707432 1/2〞Fig.432 1511 instrument air 显示器 Pressure indicator 401311 1/2〞 燃油喷嘴 Oil nozzle 0.6 USAGL/H 未知 Purge nozzle DWG S0000293 in SST 316 防火器 Flame .... Electrical installation handbook Volume 2 rd3 editionDue to possible developments of standards as well as of materia.... Salvar Salvar LV Handbook 1SDC008001D0201.pdf para ler mais tarde. 0 avaliações 0% consideraram este documento útil (0 voto) 135 visualizações 271 páginas. LV Handbook 1SDC008001D0201 PDF ... IEC 60617-DB-12M. 2001. IEC 61082-1. 1991. IEC 61082-2. 1993. IEC 61082-3. 1993. IEC 61082-4. 1996. IEC 60038 IEC 60664-1. 1983 2000. IEC 60909-0 .... ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* "Графические символы для диаграмм" (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 "Graphical symbols for diagrams").. IEC 60617-DB-12M-2001 Graphical symbols for diagrams - 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams - 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617. 135: IEC 60417-DB-12M-2002 Graphical symbols for use on equipment - 12-month subscription to online .... Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously …. cpu - marca hp compaq, modelo 8000 elite, small form factor, procesador intel core 2 quad q95550 2.83 ghz. 12m l2 cache, 1333 mhz fsb tecnologia vpro, memoria 4gb ddr3 sdram pc3-10600 (1333 mhz) non ecc (2x2gb), dual channel la cual es expandible a 16gb, chipset intel q45 express chipset, puertos integrados al mother board 2 puertos ps2. 1 rj45 .... Nov 19, 2015. Oct 15, 2019. Parte 1: Generalidades IEC 60034-1 2004 Máquinas eléctricas rotativas. Parte 1: especificaciones y funcionamiento IEC 60617-DB-12M 2001 Símbolos gráficos empleados en diagra- mas. Suscripción de 12 meses a la base de datos online; incluye las partes 2 a 11 de IEC 60617 IEC 61082-1 1991 Preparación de documentos utilizados en electrotecnia.. Jan 11, 2020. On savage rtc ram integration aldaco's stone oak hours ntc 13485 pdf groupme hackathon spirit of. When cimarron 2 david gray house of blues chicago bb simon belts prices charles austin bates 2012 itasca. On sunstar 26p for sale d450 samsung plasma 43 w 14th street gibson d.. Nov 14, 2020. BIMBA BFTM-092-DB BIMBA BFT-092-DB Chiaravalli Chiaravalli CH-06-I30-PAM90-B5 Chiaravalli CHT-90BS-L4-1.5KW-400V Lincoln Industrial Walldorf 82054 ABB M3AA 200 MLE 2 1080 4174 03 NO.0452365810001 Ingersoll Rand LM2350E-41-B-60HZ GRACO 24G600 Pneumax 405.52.0.1.M2 Murr 9000-41034-0401000 SKS Group W-BTD-PT100B-L20-4MPUR 1118624 ID 618036 Setra .... The database is the official source of IEC 60617. IEC 60617 - Graphical Symbols for Diagrams Purchase your copy of BS EN 60617-11:1997, IEC 60617-11:1996 as a PDF download or hard copy directly from the official BSI Shop. All BSI British Standards available online in electronic and print formats.. Cross References: ISO 1219-1 ISO 3448 ISO 4406 ISO 5598 ISO 6743-4 ISO 9110-1:1990 ISO 10771-1 IEC 60617-DB-12M All current amendments available at time of …. Iec 60617 Graphical Symbols For Diagrams (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Each graphical symbol is identified by a reference number and contains a title (in English and French), a graphical .... 1 Normas 1.2 Normas IEC para instalaciones elctricas NORMA IEC 60027-1 IEC 60034-1 IEC 60617-DB-12M AO 1992 2004 2001 TTULO Smbolos literales utilizados en electrotecnia. Parte 1: Generalidades Mquinas elctricas rotativas.. IEC-617-7 › Historical Revision Information Part 7: Switchgear, Controlgear & Protective Devices, Graphical Symbols for Diagrams IEC-617-7 - 1ST EDITION - SUPERSEDED -- See the following: IEC-60617-DB-12M Show Complete Document History. Jun 15, 2021. May 09, 2018. Apr 27, 2021. PDF. Os ficheiros Adobe PDF, abreviatura para Portable Document Format, são um dos mais actualmente em uso. Se já descarregou um formulário ou um documento imprimível a partir da web, tal como um O formulário do IRS, muito provavelmente um ficheiro PDF Cada vez que vê um ficheiro que começa com. .pdf, isso significa que é um ficheiro PDF.. In order to read a Secure PDF, you will need to install the FileOpen Plug-In on your computer. The FileOpen Plug-In works with Adobe Reader and other viewers. Visit …. Iec-60617-db-12m-pdf HOT! Ballet Kids 13, Kb13 (15) @iMGSRC.RU ollyvbur Book Sam Wal N Ma In America Sites Zip Torrent .mobi Full Version Summer Series 2!, Images (67) …. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* “Графические символы для диаграмм” (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 “Graphical symbols for diagrams”).. PIR-detektor, intygad Larmklass 2, 12x12m, husdjursimmun, tak/väggfäste medfölje Databasen med ritningssymboler, IEC 60617, innehåller nu cirka 1750 symboler och symbolelement, sedan även symbolerna för analoga och binära element och kretsar lagts in. Databasen är nu i princip komplett och därmed kan motsvarande delar 12 och.. Наша компания хранит широкую базу документов ГОСТ МЭК. Для более удобного скачивания мы оформили все файлы в популярные форматы pdf и doc и сжали файл до размера 717.1 КБ.. Acces PDF Iec 60617 Graphical Symbols For Diagrams Iec the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Each graphical symbol is identified by a reference number and contains a title (in English and .... Cross References: ISO 1219-1 ISO 3448 ISO 4406 ISO 5598 ISO 6743-4 ISO 9110-1:1990 ISO 10771-1 IEC 60617-DB-12M All current amendments available at time …. IEEE Graphical Symbols. ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975 - IEEE Graphic Symbols for Electrical and. Electronics Diagrams (ANSI Y32) is often referenced for component symbols. ANSI/IEEE Std 315A-1986, a supplement extends the range of symbols and is based on IEC 617 (Now the online database standard IEC. 60617). Circuit-Symbols_DLP.pdf.. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* “Графические символы для диаграмм” (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 “Graphical symbols for diagrams”).. SANIL ELECTRIC Co.,Ltd Shanghai HangOu Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, and is specializing in the import of mechanical & electrical equipment. 3d Shape Homework Reception . 3d Shape Homework Reception. shape homework reception 3d shape homework reception 2d shape homework reception shape activities reception. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously …. SAI Global Standards & Legislation provides 1.5 million Standards from 350+ publishers. Find your standards for APAC now & achieve strong business performance. 60617 db 12m pdf pdf for me, free download iec 60617 2012 standard graphical symbols, graphical symbols for diagrams oil india, international electrotechnical commission wikipedia, h standards iec 750 d4pq5m7xp9np, din en 60617 2 techstreet, iec schematic symbols, bs en 60617 symbols pdf szerzo desek, iec 60617 graphical symbols for diagrams, this. Instructions for use of graphical symbols, including symbol originals and restyled symbols, and for positioning and size of graphical symbols are given in ISO 7000, ISO 7010, IEC 60417-DB-12M and IEC …. Jun 04, 2020. iec guide_111;iec 60034-8;iec 60051-1;iec 60065;iec 60077-2;iec 60083;iec 60204-1;iec 60204-32;iec 60215;iec 60255-27;iec 60309-1;iec 60309-4;iec 60309-5;iec 60309-6;iec 60320-1;iec 60335-1;iec 60364-4-41;iec 60439-1;iec 60445;iec 60446;iec 60491;iec 60519-1;iec 60598-1;iec 60601-1;iec 60669-1;iec 60688;iec 60670-24;iec 60730-1;iec 60745-1;iec 60755;iec 60878;iec 60884-1;iec 60884-2-1;iec .... Sep 05, 2021. Sep 23, 2018. IEC 60617-DB-12M Ed. 1.0 b:2001 Graphical symbols for diagrams - 12-month subscription to online database comprising parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617. IEC 60617 …. PN-IEC 60364-4-41 dobór przekroju ze względu na skuteczność ochrony przeciwporażeniowej. PN-IEC 60364 [18] dobór przewodów ochronnych i neutralnych. PN-76/E-05125 Elektroenergetyczne i sygnalizacyjne linie kablowe. PN-IEC 439-2:1997 Rozdzielnice i sterownice niskonapięciowe.. Iec 60617-12 - Graphical Symbols.pdf. Preview. Full text. COPYRIGHT 2000 International Electrotechnical Commission Information Handling Services, 2000. COPYRIGHT …. GOST R IEC 60617-DB-12M:2015. Graphical symbols for diagrams (in the format of data base) 01/01/2015 - PDF - Anglais - GOST En savoir plus.. It is identical with IEC 617-3:1996 published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Iec 60617 Graphical Symbols For IEC 60617 - Graphical Symbols for Diagrams. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database. IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams.. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database . IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Subscriptions and End-User Restrictions. The electrical installation handbook is a tool which is suitable for all those who are interested in electrical plants:.... IEC 60617-5 : Graphical Symbols for Diagrams Part 5: Semiconductors and Electron ... W/D S/S BY IEC 60617-DB-12M * BILINGUAL Format Details ... PDF. Single …. С 1 февраля 2016 года, введен в действие новый ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который является переведенной на русский язык копией стандарта iec, определяющего требования .... «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* «Графические символы для диаграмм» (IEC 60617-DB-12M…. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* “Графические символы для диаграмм” (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 “Graphical symbols for diagrams”).. Dec 14, 2018. May 29, 2020. Marking of secondary cells and batteries with the international recycling symbol ISO 7000-1135 and indications regarding directives 93/86/EEC and 91/157/EEC, German version EN 614. IEC 60617:2012 DB contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. Parts 2 to 13 of IEC 60617 have been incorporated into a database that …. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* «Графические символы для диаграмм» (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 «Graphical symbols for diagrams»).. Feb 01, 2016. IEC 60417-DB-12M (2002-10), Graphical symbols for use on equipment (Ký hiệu đồ họa dành cho s ử dụng trên thiết bị). IEC 60617 (tất cả các phần), Graphical symbols …. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.. Скачать ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-db-12m-2015 Графические символы для схем (в формате базы данных). 1 Normas 1.2 Normas IEC para instalaciones elctricas NORMA IEC 60027-1 IEC 60034-1 IEC 60617-DB-12M AO 1992 2004 2001 TTULO Smbolos literales utilizados en electrotecnia. Parte 1: Generalidades Mquinas elctricas rotativas.. 1 5 1/1/1996 1/1/1996 6/13/2014 9/30/2014 10/31/2014. 2 5 5/28/2002 5/28/2002 6/13/2014 9/30/2014 10/31/2014. 3 5 8/22/2003 8/22/2003 6/13/2014 9/30/2014 10/31/2014. 4 5 7/15/2005. Jun 06, 2019. ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* “Графические символы для диаграмм” (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 “Graphical symbols for diagrams”).. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.. Mar 17, 2005. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero ( බලංගොඩ ආනන්ද මෛත්‍රෙය මහනාහිමි ) was a Sri Lankan scholar monk and a personality of .... Buddha Charithaya book. ... by. Ven.Balangoda Anandamaithreya Thero ... Published 2008 by Samayawardhana Book Shop (Pvt.) Ltd. (first published 1986). abc6804ccd .... ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* "Графические символы для диаграмм" (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 "Graphical symbols for diagrams").. Sep 19, 2019. Jan 01, 2021. Проектування.PDF |---ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 Графические символы для схем в формате базы данных dnl14693.pdf ... ДСТУ IEC Guide 104:2005 ДСТУ ISO/IEC Guide 51:2002 ДСТУ IEC 61069-7:2009 ДСТУ ISO/IEC 15026-1:2017. 60417 symbols safety label solutions, iec 60417 2002 db graphical symbols for use on equipment, power symbol wikipedia, international electrotechnical commission international, iec standards development gt drafting iec publications, iec 60417 db 12m ed 1 0 b 2002 graphical symbols for, free. iec 60309-4— 2017. ВИЛКИ, ШТЕПСЕЛЬНЫЕ РОЗЕТКИ И СОЕДИНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА ПРОМЫШЛЕННОГО НАЗНАЧЕНИЯ. Часть 4. Переключаемые ответвители и соединители с блокировкой и без нее (iec 60309-4:2012, idt). Feb 21, 2017. Read Online Iec 60617 Graphical Symbols For Diagrams Iec diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Each graphical symbol is identified by a reference number and contains a title (in. ・定格入力電流は、基本的に記号a、又はvaと表示する。(iec 61010-1) ・二つ以上の定格電圧、又は定格電圧が表示されている機器は、その各々の定格電圧、又は定格 電圧範囲に対応する定格入力を、必ず分けて表示する。この場合、定格入力ごとに斜線”/”で. Jul 29, 2021. protective earth protective ground, iec 60417 db 12m ed 1 0 b 2002 graphical symbols for, iec 60417 5018 functional earthing functional, iec 60417 5019 protective earth protective ground, iec 60417 5017 free search pdf, iec 60417 2 1998 iec webstore, file iec 60417 5019 svg wikimedia commons, iec 60417 5021 equipotentiality, iec 60417 5019 .... 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ГОСТ Р МЭК 60617-DB-12M-2015 «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* "Графические символы для диаграмм" (IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012 "Graphical symbols for diagrams").. for diagrams passei direto, recommendation itu r v 461 5, iec 60617 db 12m ed 1 0 b 2001 graphical symbols for, electrical symbols qualifying electrical symbols, iec 60617 2012 db graphical symbols for diagrams, iso 7000 iec 60417 graphical symbols for use on equipment, iec 60617 2012 db iec normen vde verlag, list of international .... Если ты думаешь, что в порно узбечки отличаются хотя бы какой-то скромностью, ты заблуждаешься так же глубоко, как в их киски, анусы и ротики …. Nov 28, 2020. Feb 01, 2020. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database . IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Subscriptions and End-User Restrictions. Sep 22, 2019. Oct 24, 2010. Dec 04, 2018. Mar 16, 2021. Iec 60617 Graphical Symbols For IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617. Each graphical symbol is identified. category iec standards wikimedia commons, iec 60617 db 12m pdf pdf for me, din en 60617 2 techstreet, electrical cad drawing standards in electrical cad software, graphical symbols for diagrams iet engineering communities, h standards iec 750 d4pq5m7xp9np, international iec standard 60601 1, this is a. Jul 06, 2019. OutTac Gear GmbH - Messer, Tools, Lampen & Ausrüstung seit 1996 ! - 10% Neukundenrabatt. Jun 24, 2019. Jan 18, 2020. Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.. IEC 60061-DB-12M ed1.0 (2012-09) Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - 12-month subscription to online database comprising all parts of IEC 60061. IEC 60061-1-am48 ed3.0 (2012-09) Amendment 48 .... Thanks Rob 12 Replies 343 Posts Welcome to the IEC 60617 database IEC 60617 contains graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. All the parts (Ed. 2 or 3) of the previously published IEC 60617 have been incorporated into this database that currently includes some 1900 symbols. The database is the official source of IEC 60617.. «Графические символы для схем», который идентичен международному стандарту IEC 60617-DB-12M:2012* «Графические символы для диаграмм» (IEC 60617-DB-12M…. IEC 60617 database snapshot created on 2005-10-03 © Copyright 2005 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved - Not for reproduction or distribution. : Pdf 236389-Catalog 236389-Catalog 783310 Batch4 unilog . Open the PDF directly: View PDF . Page Count: 444. 全世界から電子部品、半導体、機械工具、精密電子計測器、理化学機器等の卸販売を基盤事業とし、加えて機械制御、システム設計・制作などを西日本中心に展開. Aug 30, 2020. audiolibro psicocibernetica maxwell maltz. Audiolibro Psicocibernetica Maxwell 23 ->>->>->> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) audiolibro psicocibernetica maxwell maltz Written by Maxwell Maltz, Dan Kennedy, narrated by Maxwell Maltz, Dan Kennedy.. Iec 60417 Earth Symbol 5019 Free Pdf Books.. electrical cad software, iec reference designations myelectrical com, din en. 60617 3 european standards, iec 60617 …. representation using symbols from the EN 81346 catalogue. The symbol database is called ‘Electrical & Automation’. The older, and often more familiar, EN 60617 standard is also available and can of course be used if preferred. If See Electrical IEEE (used mostly in America and Canada) has been installed it is recommended that. 5957 for indoor use only, iec 60417 5007 on power, iec 60417 1 1998 iec webstore, iec 60417 db 12m ed 1 0 b 2002 graphical symbols for, iec 60417 5104 start start of action, view all the iso 7000 iec 60417 graphical symbols for, iec 60417 5012 lamp lighting illumination, the grounding symbols in. EN 60204-1:2006, EN ISO 12100-2:2003, ISO 7000:2004, IEC 60417-DB-12M (2002-10), IEC 60617 (alle Teile). Eine Liste der Normativen Verweise dieser Norm ist am Ende der Kurzbeschreibung zu finden. Die aktuelle Grundnorm (Typ A-Norm) EN ISO 12100 und die aktuellen Gruppennormen (Typ B-Normen) z - Voltimum, die Community der Elektro-Branche.. Apr 22, 2019. IEC 60617 - Graphical Symbols for Diagrams IEC- en ISO-normen over elektrische symbolen en schema's. IEC 60027 Letters symbols to be used in electrical technology; IEC 60417 ISO 7000-DB-12M (2004-06) Graphical symbols for use on equipment; IEC 60617-DB-12M (2001-11) Graphical symbols for diagrams INTERNATIONAL CISPR ELECTROTECHNICAL 25 COMMISSION c841672865 30


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